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For issue specific calls to action engage with organizations on the topics you care about most.


RAMPD (Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities) is a professional platform equipping the music and live entertainment industry with disability inclusive tools, programming and strategy. RAMPD also connects the industry to a global directory of peer-vetted music/sound creators and industry professionals with disabilities, neurodivergence and other chronic or mental health conditions, to find source and hire—bringing competitive opportunities, visibility and community to our Professional Members while offering disability inclusion to Industry/Venue partners.


Activism Tools and Services

The Center for Common Ground is non-partisan, Black and women-led voting rights organization founded in 2018. We work in voter suppression states where more than 20% of voters are voters of color – Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas. Our goal is to ensure every voter knows their voice and their votes matter. Collaborating with local partners, we strive to mobilize ALL voters of color, both those who consistently participate in elections and those who have yet to exercise their right to vote.


Digital Democracy Project is a mobile app that lets you tell your legislators how to vote on real legislation! We then compare what voters want to how legislators deliver on those same bills, producing a scorecard of the results that let you hold your representatives accountable at the ballot box.


ShowUp is a platform working with artists and the music industry to help integrate activism into release and touring strategies and create strategic partnerships that amplify the reach, engagement, and fundraising capacity of an artist’s advocacy. ShowUp’s partnership base includes The Orchard, ADA, Downtown, EMPIRE, and Symphonic.



The Artist Rights Alliance is an artist-run, non-profit organization fighting for songwriters and musicians in the modern music economy. ARA works to ensure artists are at the table when decisions are made on policies that affect their lives and livelihoods and empowers artists to advocate directly for themselves through classes, events, and presentations to demystify music, politics, and the spaces where they intersect.

The MSA, the music industry’s green association, is the hub for the industry and artists to learn, innovate, and collaborate to to tackle the climate crisis together. We provide community, science-based solutions, resources, best practices, and tools for systemic change.


The Equity Alliance (TEA) is a Tennessee-based, Black woman-led nonprofit dedicated to building independent Black political and economic power. As the Tennessean’s 2020 People of the Year, we educate, empower, and mobilize Black communities to be civically engaged and challenge systemic inequities.


Climate Action

Environmental Voter Project turns non-voting environmentalists into consistent voters.

Connect unites culture, philanthropy, nonprofits, brands, and other mission-aligned organizations to accelerate climate solutions through higher-impact collaborative campaigns.


Hip Hop Caucus’ uses the power of our cultural expression to empower communities who are first and worst impacted by racial, economic, and environmental injustices.


Music Declares Emergency US’s mission is to inspire artists, music industry professionals and organizations to stand together and declare a climate and ecological emergency, and call for an immediate governmental response to protect all life on Earth. We believe in the power of music to activate fans to accelerate the cultural change needed to create a sustainable future.


The MSA, the music industry’s green association, is the hub for the industry and artists to learn, innovate, and collaborate to to tackle the climate crisis together. We provide community, science-based solutions, resources, best practices, and tools for systemic change.


Leading the green music movement since 2004, REVERB ( partners with artists, festivals, and venues to reduce their environmental footprint while empowering millions of fans to take action on today’s most pressing environmental and social issues.


Support+Feed combats the climate crisis and food insecurity by working toward a global shift to an equitable, plant-based food system.



TradesForce is on a mission to recruit one million new clean energy workers across the U.S. by partnering with artists to register workers for high-paid skilled trades jobs. Through tours, festivals, and powerful storytelling, join us in raising the profile of trades heroes, connecting more workers to paid training, and increasing access to high-paying jobs in America’s booming clean energy economy.


The Well Dunn Foundation provides inclusive and equitable professional experiences and financial assistance to students from socioeconomic and diverse backgrounds through mentorship, job shadowing, internships, and job placement opportunities.


Fan Engagement

Propeller exists to inspire activism and help build movements for change


Food Justice & Security

Support+Feed combats the climate crisis and food insecurity by working toward a global shift to an equitable, plant-based food system.



Founded in 2013 by Jack Antonoff (Bleachers) and fashion designer Rachel Antonoff, TAC is committed to bettering the lives of LGBTQ youth through tours, campaigns and partnerships, providing support to organizations serving LGBTQ Youth. TAC partners with artists and uses their platforms to raise awareness of the systemic inequalities facing the LGBTQ population and activate prominent members of the creative community and their fan bases to engage with these issues in meaningful and impactful ways.


Keychange U.S. is an award-winning nonprofit organization championing gender equity and inclusion in the music industry.


Reproductive Rights

NOISE FOR NOW is a national initiative that enables artists and entertainers to connect with and financially support grassroots organizations that work in the field of Reproductive Justice, including abortion access. By organizing benefit events and campaigns, NOISE FOR NOW provides opportunities for artists and entertainers to use their talent to raise money and send a clear message that Reproductive Rights are human rights.


Social Justice

Artist For Action is a coalition of artists, musicians and influencers who are taking action towards eliminating the epidemic of gun violence in America. Co-Founded by musician/activist Mark Barden (Co-Founder of Sandy Hook Promise), Matthew Reich and Neal Saini (Co-Founders of Artist For Artist) and Rick Korn (Director of A Father’s Promise: The Film) as a way to engage large groups of Americans to get involved and keep their communities safe.


Black Voters Matter goal is to increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities. We believe that effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny. We agree with the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. when he said, “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”


Hip Hop Caucus’ uses the power of our cultural expression to empower communities who are first and worst impacted by racial, economic, and environmental injustices.


Keychange U.S. is an award-winning nonprofit organization championing gender equity and inclusion in the music industry.

Connect is fiscally sponsored by Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs. Through art, culture, and media addresses injustice and creates change at multiple levels. In support of our grassroots partners, we enlist artists, performers, and prominent individuals to deliver messages of moral and political consequence.


The Well Dunn Foundation provides inclusive and equitable professional experiences and financial assistance to students from socioeconomic and diverse backgrounds through mentorship, job shadowing, internships, and job placement opportunities.
